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Reneé New | “20 Women, 20 Stories”

Reneé New



What is your date of birth?

19th May 1971

Where are you from, and where have you currently settled?

I am a born and bread Capetonian who has a temporary Gauteng passport for a stint in Johannesburg during the late 1990’s
Cape Town is home.


3 words that your friends would use to describe you?

Without formally asking them I would imagine they would say… Thoughtful, Dynamic and “ like a true Sister “


What is your big, audacious dream? (that sometimes keeps you awake at night) If you are already living it, please share.

I never want to live in regret, life is way too short to be unhappy therefore making every minute count no matter what the circumstance is how I would sum up my dream.


Can you share how your journey in your current career began, and what drew you to it?

My love for clothes and fashion began at an early age, dressing up in my mother’s outfits and trying to wear her platform-healed shoes.  It was the 70’s.

In my teenage years many Saturdays were spent trawling the Factory Shops finding unusual pieces at bargain prices which then progressed into working

in a Fashion Retail chain over the weekends whilst completing my studies in Marketing & Sales.

Once I got a taste of earning money and working with what I loved (fashion), I never looked back.


We all have different versions of what success means to us. What does success look and feel like to you?

Success for me, either personal or on the business front is not only about reaching the goal or objective that either you have set or that has been set for you.

It is all about the journey that has transpired in achieving it.

It’s the lessons you learn, it’s about being brave and having the courage to make unknown or tough decisions.

It’s about dusting yourself off when you fail and getting up quickly to try again but maybe with a different approach.

It’s about taking your team or your loved ones with you as success is never achieved in isolation… It takes a village.

What does your morning routine involve? Please share how you start your day.
My mornings always start with a good strong cup of coffee in bed with my partner as we compare notes about what lies ahead for us in the day.

I am not an early morning person and like to ease myself into the day however my morning Pilates twice a week gives me the much-needed rejuvenation and energy

and is a wonderful way to destress and refocus.  A good healthy breakfast and I am ready for world.

What is the thing you enjoy doing the most, (not business related and why?)
I don’t have a thing… I have a few things that I really enjoy.  Cooking dinner with my partner, sharing a bottle of red wine or a bottle of bubbles and catching up on our day.

Taking a scenic drive together along the coast or just jumping in the car and deciding on route where to go.

Meandering through quaint towns and getting lost on cobble streets, especially in Italy.

Dancing till dawn barefoot under the stars.

For me it’s all about quality time with my loved one, experiencing and feeding the senses… the smell, the sight, the sound, the taste and the touch, never the same, always unique.


Is there a woman who stands out for you, who really inspires you?

This can be someone in your close circle, or someone you don’t know personally, for example an author or podcast host, or other.


My mother is my inspiration.  Although I lost her two years ago, her strength, humility, kindness, graciousness, positive outlook,

and wicked sense of humour is what I carry with me every day as a reminder of how I strive to live my life to carry her legacy forward.


What is a personal mantra or quote that motivates you?

My favourite mantra is:
Work hard, play hard…  there is no point in working hard if you can’t enjoy the fruits of your labour.

My other favourite is:
Hold hands in the traffic … when things get rough, and they do or when there are obstacles to navigate around,

pull those closest to you nearer and lean in on one another.  You don’t need to do it alone.


What is one thing you wish more people knew about you?

I am not just a pretty face … I say that tongue in cheek however I do find that perhaps because I project myself as youthful and energetic and I am petite

I am often not taken seriously from an experience perspective.   People underestimate my wisdom, strength, resilience and determination.


What personality characteristic/s do you love about yourself?

According to Myers Briggs, I am an ENTP and an Enneagram 7.

My extroversion, optimism, and adventurous spirit are balanced by my deep thinking style, and intuition.

So I love that I can see the bigger picture and join the dots to get there.


What is your greatest strength, and how has it helped you in your journey?

My calm and considerate nature, taking things in my stride with consistent perseverance has probably been my greatest strength.

The ability to problem solve and to see the bigger picture has enabled me to systematically work through or navigate around complex situations.

Experience has taught me resilience and not to take anything personally.  I think age helps with that too.


What does self-confidence mean to you, and how have you cultivated it?

Self-confidence means being unashamedly comfortable in your skin.

To know who you are and to appreciate your strengths and weaknesses.

My self-confidence has matured with age. Turning 50 felt like a “right to passage”  to own who

I am with confidence.  I am not here to impress anyone but me.


What are you most proud of, in your business and/or personal life?

I am proud of the work and impact I have had in the teams I have lead and the Brands that I have touched over the years within my Marketing function.

I am proud of the roles I have played as a mother, a nurturer and now a friend to two incredible humans, my sons.

I am proud of acting on my convictions in search of happiness and love.


If you could share one piece of business advice for someone starting out, what would it be?

I have a few….
You have to love what you do and if you are not passionate about the work you are doing, think really hard about continuing.

Dream big but don’t be in a rush to get to the top of the ladder as the journey, the experience and the lessons learned will give you the wisdom later.

Be brave to stand up for what you believe in even if it is contrary to other opinions but deliver your rationale with integrity and respect.

Don’t take anything personally, it’s only business!


What is a piece of advice you would give to your younger self?

I was diagnosed with ADHA as an adult so my advice to my younger self now would be that I did try hard and I did try to concentrate

however, ADHD wasn’t a ‘thing” then so I did do my best and I am proud of what I achieved.


How did you feel being photographed? And what feelings emerged when you saw your portraits for the first time?

I loved my session with Monica.

This was my very first professional photography shoot and although I knew it was just us in her studio, I was a little nervous at first

however, Monica makes you feel so at home, and after a few clicks of her camera guiding me, I started to feel like a real professional model.

No sneak peeks of the shots were divulged until the final reveal soon after my shoot.

I was stunned at how incredible I looked! Like it surely couldn’t be me but it was.

She brought out features in me that I don’t see or appreciate.

Seeing yourself through her camera lens has been one of the most empowering and uplifting experiences I have encountered,

date stamping and celebrating my life in my 50s.



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